Paralegal Power Blog

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How to Use TextExpander to
Boost Your Paralegal Power

If I could give you 62 extra hours of work a month, would it be worth $3.33? If I gave every paralegal, attorney and legal assistant in your firm each an extra 62 hours, what would that be worth?

If you are an attorney, then 62 hours could be worth at least ten grand? If you are a lesser paid legal professional, it could mean you finally had time to paint your nails, read a book for leisure or check out the Paralegal Power blog – all the joys of life that time can preclude. 

Your Fairy Paralegal Mother Here

But this is not a fairytale. On today’s blog, I am going to tell you about a tool that every legal professional should be using that will literally reduce your work time drastically. When I first started using TextExpander it was free, so I didn’t understand its value and ignored it. Until one of my attorneys couldn’t stop talking about it like it was a new girlfriend or something. He was twitterpated over TextExpander.

That’s when I took no more than five minutes to figure it out and start putting it to use. I also fell in love.

TextExpander Turns Shorthand Into Error Free Full Text

What TextExpander does is it allows you to type a custom abbreviation and it will expand it into the desired content. So it’s just like typing shorthand and then it automatically expanding to your full desired text.

For example, so many of us have to type out our firm’s name and address multiple times a week.

You can simply assign an abbreviation, such as .firmadd to the address and then instead of typing out the entire text, you can just type .firmadd and then it makes a bulooop! sound and populates the entire text.

Today’s date, .dd and whatever day it is – buloop! it’s populated. You don’t even have to know what the date is, TextExpander knows.

Your email address, .em -buloop! It populates the full email such as

Your firm’s website, .web – buloop! It’s populated in perfect fashion just like this:

This attorney’s bar number, .atty1 – buloop!

That other attorney’s bar number .atty2 – buloop! Yes, it’s populated, error-free.

Recall your best words. Instantly, repeatedly.

Law: A Language All Our Own

This is extremely helpful for me in every area of my work. However, let me share some things that only legal professionals can relate to. Instead of having to insert the § symbol, I just type ,ss and then (you guessed it) -buloop! It’s there in all it’s statutory glory.

Instead of typing out the entire address of each court, I just type .ctcoking and the address for the King County Courthouse populates. If I want to type the address for Pierce County’s courthouse, I just type .ctcopierce. These are the abbreviations I have assigned so they are easy to remember for me. 

Easy Firm Wide Consistency

I could share these abbreviations with you easily if we were on the same TextExpander team plan. This has revolutionized things for the newbies we work with. Most of us would stare at the word praecipe five hundred times to make sure we spelled it right when we first entered the field.

Many of the words we type daily are not recognized by spellcheck, but if you regularly misspell praecipe like I used to, you can add the misspelling to your TextExpander so that it will autocorrect when entered incorrectly.

This can also go along way to keep peace among paralegals and attorneys. If your attorney is irked by your overuse of a certain word, for example, one of my favorites “however.” However, using it is such a habit for you. You could tell TextExpander to replace it with a synonym that your attorney is yet to tire of like “moreover.” The possibilities are really endless.

Judge Whatchyamacallit

TextExpander helps with names too. I don’t know how many clients and judges names I have butchered over the years, but that problem is in the past. As soon as I see I am having difficulty regularly spelling a name, I add the mispronunciation or a snippet, like .judgew, to TextExpander. Then every time I am drafting a proposed order for that one judge whose last name contains about 17 syllables, I type my snippet and the judge’s name appears perfectly spelled. Then when you hire a new legal professional, you can share these shortcuts easily in TextExpander. 

Did you read that last sentence? That is really powerful. When you are adding staff and moving staff around, it is important to be consistent. But what TextExpander also does is eliminates a lot of menial time-sucking training and corrections that come along with entry-level legal professionals.

Attorney-Approved Pre-Formatted Legal Advice & Education

I personally feel the best way TextExpander helps me is when I am drafting correspondence to clients. I constantly have to repeat myself to different clients but may not have an actual form letter that is applicable. This eliminates the need for form letters, which can often look like form letters, and lets you get back to personalized letters.

This is SOOOOO nice for us paralegals and attorneys alike. Now your attorneys can have complete control and consistency when it comes to relating advice on certain issues. Creating these snippets with your attorneys ensures you are confident in your paralegal skills, the client stays well-informed and the attorney knows exactly what is being communicated by the paralegals.

This is why I call it a MUST tool for attorneys, paralegals and legal professionals dedicated to high moral ethics by avoiding any appearance of Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL).

Put the “Aw” in Law

Our clients love when they know we have given them personal attention. TextExpander lets you get back to treating people like people again, no matter what type of time crunch you are on. Paralegals can easily add a personalized individual salutation.

(.gmniceweather) -buloop!

“Good Morning, I hope you have had a chance to enjoy some of this good weather we have been having. “

(.badweather) -buloop!

“I hope this email finds you far from this horrible weather we have been having lately.”

And then continue on with the subject of the correspondence.

(.divorcestep1) – buloop!

[A page full of text already reviewed and pre-approved by your attorney will populate that tells them everything they need to know at this step of their divorce.]

Don’t forget to use TextExpander for your outgoing personalized salutations.

(.tylikefb) -buloop!

“Thanks for your time and consideration. It is our pleasure to represent you. Click here to like us on Facebook.”

It can populate all this, links and all.

Spanish-Speaking Paralegals Amo TextExpander

One of the most useful features of TextExpander for me is when I am using two languages. I can change my language settings in Grammarly and GSuite to Spanish to ensure proper spelling and grammar in Spanish, but that is a major pain.

TextExpander eliminates any need for all that. I can put shortcuts in for words that need the extra fancy Spanish punctuation and not mess with any of my language settings at all.

Win A Free Copy of TextExpander or PDFPen

TextExpander is SOO amazing that they have partnered with us on not one but six free giveaways of a copy of TextExpander or their other handy-dandy tool PDFPen (winners choice) each week starting this week through Black Friday. Prizes will be awarded weekly to those of you in the following categories.

1st Prize – Paralegal Power Facebook Group Members

2nd Prize – Paralegal Power FB Page Followers

3rd Prize – Paralegal Power Instagram Page Followers

4th Prize – Paralegal Power Twitter Followers

5th Prize – Paralegal Power Periodical Newsletter Subscribers

6th Prize – Paralegal Power Blog Subscribers

Just subscribe to our blog and newsletter, join our Facebook group and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to maximize your chances to win. Each week we will be announcing the weekly winner on our social media.

You can’t wait, can you? You just want the 62 extra hours TextExpander saves you now, don’t you? I don’t blame you. We have a 20% off coupon for simply throwing your name into the drawing. Click here to 20% off TextExpander or click here to get 20% off PDFPen.

This post was proofread by Grammarly.
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