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Platinum Paralegal Rule
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Platinum Paralegal Rule

I am very fortunate to regularly be recognized for being an exemplary paralegal both in private and with honors. In large part I have reached this level in my career by practicing one little rule I call the Platinum Paralegal Rule. In this blog, I am going to tell you the absolute platinum rule to succeed in the paralegal field. 

It is one simple rule, and it is a question that you must ask yourself in everything you do regarding everyone you encounter. I didn’t learn this trick in the paralegal field, I learned it waiting tables as a kid. 

When I was 18 years old I was lucky enough to work at the Luxury Diner  in Cheyenne, Wyoming. One of the few diners still operating. 

Gina was the main waitress in charge of training me. I explained to her that basically, I had no experience waiting tables. She told me it was easy. All you have to do is think, “If I was sitting there, what would I want?”

Paralegals Serve Too

That was such a smart way to explain waiting tables and made a damn good waitress out of me. But it also made me a paralegal to be reckoned with. 

Whenever I am getting ready to mark a task done for an attorney or a client, I just think “If I were this attorney, what would I want?” And there is always something when you answer that question. 

Attorneys Are Needy 

I mean there is ALWAYS something the attorney wants or needs that is not communicated to you. Now, don’t overthink this. 

Just know that if you are tasked to draft a document, and you know it is going to need a certificate of service, that you act accordingly. If you have more urgent tasks to complete, by all means – a good paralegal knows how to prioritize. 

But do consider, if I were an attorney – this was my case – this was my client – what would I need? Then when the task is done, check in with the attorney with a:

  •  Do you want me to draft a certificate of service now?
  • Would you like me to update the client?
  • Do you need a fresh cup of coffee?

Yes, even and especially a fresh cup of coffee. No human being should be beneath offering a fellow human being a beverage, especially a fresh cup of coffee. 

It’s the Paralegal Way

Make being considerate a part of your regular client interaction. Be a true benefit to your client and do whatever you can to help them attain the information you are seeking from them. 

Just including phone numbers and addresses for tasks they need to complete to help their case progress can go a long way to not only making sure the task gets done, but letting them know you are considerate of them during this often difficult legal issue.

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Imagine 1,000 case docket and you are the  only legal support staff

Don’t let your consideration be limited to your attorney and clients. When dealing with court personnel, bailiffs, judicial assistants, and the likes reach out to them and ask them their preferred method of document submission. And always consider what it must be like to do their job, when you are doing yours.  Do what you can to make their job easier. 

The most common offense I see is sending more documents than necessary. The court personnel and judges are expected to read through these documents. Don’t overburden them with extra blank pages or unnecessary documents. It makes you look lazy and inconsiderate. 

Tell Me How You Want Me To Treat You

I called this the Golden Paralegal Rule for a long time. However, I had a client tell me that the golden rule is to treat people how you want to be treated. The Platinum Rule is to treat people the way they want to be treated. And that is the rule. 

Being considerate of each other’s unique personality and situation is how this is done. For example, you may feel like you need to vent after a long day. Maybe your attorney would rather wrap everything up and get to the weekend.  Or vice a versa depending on your personality and of course plans for the weekend. 

Seek First to Understand

We think it is important to know and understand people’s different personalities to really be able to master the Platinum Paralegal Rule. This article MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS: Personality Tests is our favorite on the subject because it has all the different type of personality tests out there

In the majority of our relationships, the thing we value most is being appreciated and considered. It doesn’t matter if it is our friend, spouse, attorney, paralegal or colleague.

When you consider their wants and needs in your dealings with them. You will always have a greater understanding of them and be remembered for making them feel well-cared for by a competent legal professional.

This post was proofread by Grammarly.

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