Paralegal Power Blog

A Blog for the Legal Professional

10 (FREE) Habits of Exemplary Legal Professionals

In Today’s blog, we will be running down the top ten things that lawyers, paralegals, legal assistants, law clerks, bailiffs, legal receptionists and each and every other person in the legal field can do (for free) to distinguish themselves as exemplary in the field. 

  1. Be On Time

It does not matter if you have been in the game for decades, being late is offensive. Under no circumstances is it excusable. That is Life 101 when it comes to adulting. It is not a character flaw and should not be something any of us just accept among us.

I am a busy person, I am often late for many things. However, when it comes to my clients, it is inexcusable for me to be tardy or not meet deadlines. I must be overly cognizant of the importance of being on time in order to avoid being late for anything, but it works. 

Every Billable Minute Counts
Additionally, do not be annoyingly early. Even 15 minutes – unless warranted, is just a tad too early. Try to arrive 5 minutes early. Those working in the legal field are often governed by billable time and every minute of their day is accounted for. Arriving too early just pressures them to have to finish what they are doing to get to you.

  1. Show Good Work Ethic 

Showing a good work ethic does not cost a dime of your money yet it is more important than anything else you do. Consistently using your time wisely, efficiently and being productive while adhering to all the guidelines and protocol expected of you as a legal professional is the simplest way to describe how you show good work ethic.   

  1. Your Persona

Your persona entails your energy, attitude, body language and overall essence when you walk in a room. When I am conscious of my body language it is easier to sound energetic and keep conversations positive.

A lot of times legal professionals are helping people through the most difficult times of their lives. They can carry a lot of anger. It is important for us to remember that anger comes from fear and part of our job is to help them understand these complicated issues. 

Keep Calm And Legal On
It is also important for us not to take their anger personally. Never let your clients push your buttons. Always remember this is your job, you get to go home. This is their life.

And if we must be blunt,
they pay us to remain composed for them during these difficult times. You are providing an excellent service when you convey a comforting, confident persona. 

Body Language 
Body language is so much more than even shrugged shoulders, although it is definitely shrugged shoulders. My mother is a cosmetologist and she would always remind us to: 

  • Put your chin up. 
  • Roll your shoulders back. 
  • Suck in your gut. 

It unnerved me. I thought it was so annoying. However, before I walk into a situation I always make sure my body language doesn’t say I am a tired, slouchy paralegal and instead says “I am a paralegal who is full of life and happy to help you through this legal issue (who may or may not need to suck her stomach in).”

4. Understand Marketing

When I asked my business advisor what he would contribute to this list he said hands down, “Know how to market yourself.” I am so glad I asked him for his input as this is something I wholeheartedly agree with yet often forget to stress enough.

I shudder to think where I would be if I hadn’t taken marketing as seriously as I did. You can call this networking as well, but for many legal professionals, you are running your own business or have greater aspirations that require an actual marketing plan.

You Deserve the Best Laid Plans
Given HubSpot offers a free marketing plan tool. This is an easy thing for professionals to accomplish for free and should be on this list.

If you want to set yourself apart as exemplary in the field, you need to be networking. Networking in this day and age does not look like it did twenty years ago. It’s all about how you market your presence. 

  1. Be Accountable 

A bunch of smart people researched issues in the workplace and called out accountability as one of the key issues of our time. Accountability is simply that – owning it. In addition to the habits listed in this blog, being accountable is:

  • Looking at things from all perspectives.
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Remember you are always learning and you can learn from everyone.
  • Communicate openly and candidly.
  • Don’t be afraid to have difficult conversations.
  • Ask for and offer feedback.
  • Act on the feedback you receive.
  • Be personally invested. Think Win/Win.
  • Examine successes and learn from them.
  • Examine failures and never place blame. 
  • Do what you say.
  • Create a trusting environment. 

In our next blog we will go over the remaining habits of exemplary legal professionals that you can do for free to really set you apart from everyone else in this field. 

Check out our previous blogs.

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